How To Make The Perfect Teacher Resume Fast And Easy?

A good teacher resume is a very important part of your job hunt. Learn how to write a resume for that teaching position you’ve been waiting for with this detailed guide.

Manika Pant
9 min readJun 2, 2022
A paper, pen and laptop to write teacher resume
Photo by Markus Winkler:

‘Email your resume at’

Every teaching job advertisement asks you to do that, doesn’t it?

If you are a fresher teacher, having just completed your Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.), or if you are applying for a new teaching job, you need a resume. It takes a lot of time, energy, and effort to write the best teacher resume.

Did you know that a resume can be rejected if it’s not the right length, if it has grammatical errors or if it misses important sections and skills? Although it’s obvious, but latest statistics¹ on resumes, by Finances Online, also reflect the same.

Are you looking for the best teacher resume format? Then you need not look any further. You can make the perfect teacher resume, fast and easy, with a super simple and free tool.

Want to know how? Here is how you can make a strong teacher CV that will surely land you an interview call from your dream school.

How To Make The Perfect Teacher Resume?

Before you do something, you should know why you are doing it. If you are a teacher or soon to be one, you must be knowing the importance of ‘learning goals and objectives’ in your lesson-plan.

Photo by The 77 Human Needs System on Unsplash

Reading the next part will help you understand why you actually need a resume to apply for a teaching job. You will also be able to make a good resume for yourself and be confident in your interview.

What is a resume?

A resume is a document having your contact details and personal information.

Sounds simple right? Writing down everything about you?

But it isn’t.

It’s how you present the details that attract the employer to take interest in you and your resume.

Almost 90 % of the resumes get rejected by employers², according to studies. And there is no big Math involved here. Only a few people who stand apart are considered to be interviewed.

a puzzle of different colour explaining how a good teacher resume helps you stand apart

So, what makes a teacher's resume stand apart from the rest?

Every resume includes skills, past work experience, education, achievements, training, certifications, and interests.

But the best teachers’ resume includes additional sections and information.

What are the must-haves of a good resume for a teacher?

➡️Career Objectives

➡️Personal details

➡️Contact details

➡️Work Experience

➡️ Job responsibilities and duties held

➡️Skills and competencies

➡️ Education


➡️Achievements and Awards


➡️ Papers published


➡️ Recommendations

How to write teacher resume with Canva?

Ever since I came across Canva, my teacher life has become easy. I have created teacher presentations, fun Maths learning videos, and Maths worksheets on Canva.

If you think Canva is only for designers then you are mistaken. Here is how you can make a good teacher resume on Canva, in a few easy-peasy steps.

STEP 1: Sign up free on Canva

Canva is free for educators. All you need to do is verify yourself as a teacher on Canva.

screenshot explaining how teachers can verify themselves on canva to make teacher resume
Image: Canva

STEP 2: Select a teacher resume template of your choice

screenshot explaining how to choose template for teacher resume on canva
Image: Canva

You can choose a teacher resume template that suits your needs.

These are the Canva resume templates that I find appropriate for a teaching job.

Image: Canva
sample teacher resume
Image: Canva
sample teacher resume
Image: Canva
sample teacher resume
Image: Canva
sample teacher resume
Image: Canva

Now a few questions to answer, before we move next into writing a resume for teacher.

Should a resume have colours?

If yes, then how many and what colours should you use in your resume?

It depends on how the colours are complementing your information and details. Remember that the main objective of a resume is knowledge transfer of your skills, expertise, and experience. So, if plain black colour can adequately do that, then stick with that. If you still feel like adding colours to your resume then remember the following pointers-

· Don’t go overboard with colours.

· Your teacher resume should have all important sections written in black ink only.

· Don’t use more than 4 colours.

· Definitely it should not look like a colour palette.

· Use colours to highlight relevant details in your resume so that it quickly catches the school Principal’s attention.

· Remember that the information on your teaching resume should stand out and not the colours.

· Never use light colours on a white background in you teacher resume. Always use a darker colour.

You must have noticed photographs in the above teacher resume templates and examples.

Should you put your picture in teacher CV?

The answer is both Yes and No.

There are countries/regions that welcome pictures on a resume, like


✅ Belgium




✅South America

And there are countries/regions that DON’T welcome pictures on a resume, like

❌ United Kingdom

❌ United States

Resumes with pictures are uncommon in India. But Indian schools do ask for your photograph for a school teaching job vacancy.

So, it’s a good idea to put your picture on your resume if the teaching job advertisement asks for one. And if it doesn’t, then simply don’t include a picture in your teacher resume.

Put a strictly professional picture on your teacher resume.

No selfies, candid pictures please!

Now we come to the next step of building a resume on Canva.

STEP 3: Add/delete and edit the sections in your teacher resume format

You need to write a strong teacher resume to apply for a teaching job. Guess what? You don’t need any expensive professional resume writing services. You can create a teacher resume yourself.

· Name, Address, Contact Info. (email ID and mobile number) of course comes at the top.

· About/Career Objective/ Summary/Personal Profile, the Introduction of your teacher resume can have different names. But they all say the same thing- your presently held position, number of years of experience; teaching licence/B.Ed./DIET/CTET details; and why you’re interested in the job. Keep it succinct and meaningful within 3 to 4 lines.

Pro-Tip: Include figures/percentages to show results.

What strikes you better?

👉🏻Engaged students in meaningful classroom activities.


👉🏻 Reduced absenteeism to 2% in a class of 40+ students.

You don’t have to tell. The spark in your eyes can tell what reads better.

· Teaching Experience section will include details of all the past teaching positions held by you, in chronological order. Start with the most recent first. Also, mention grades taught, time period, and Key Responsibilities and Duties like,

🎯Olympiad In charge.

🎯 Organized class assemblies, annual day functions, Parents’ Day, and Grandparents’ Day events.

🎯Planned curriculum for classes 5 to 10.

🎯 Created worksheets for students.

🎯Held Parent-Teachers meet with parents and guardians.

🎯Built classroom and teaching aids like models, chart papers, and student planners.

🎯Trained junior teachers in classroom management.

· Professional Experience section will have information about all non-teaching jobs held in the past. Avoid anything that’s non-academic. Mention only those details that will help your teaching resume to be picked.

· Education section is pretty straightforward. Just write the degrees, educational institution, start and completion, and percentage/grade/CGPA. Keep it simple. This section will be the second most important, after your name.

· Skills section is where you can be creative and bragging (not literally). Write down all the skills that you have gained in your professional teaching career and be honest. The principal can ask you to demonstrate these skills either during your interview or after you are selected.

Here are some must-haves teacher skills on your resume:

graph explaining teacher skills to be written in teacher resume

Pro-Tip: Write a few but the strongest teaching skills you possess.

· Additional Sections can be added to your teacher resume that will make it stand out. Give details of any Teacher Training, Teacher Certifications, and Volunteering, done by you.

· Languages and Interests sections add value to your teacher resume. Also, mention the level of proficiency in a language that you know. Make sure that your interests are academically inclined. Reading, edtech, technology, and writing are some hobbies that you can mention. If you don’t have an interest in these things then write any meaningful activities that you engage in outside your teaching life.

· Social Media Handles can also be written if you are an Instagram, YouTube, or Blogger teacher. Show off that you are a tech-savvy social media active teacher. There is no harm in that.

· Published Work section will also add weight to your resume. Write the details of your published papers, books, ebooks, or articles, both online and offline. Let the Principal know about your research skills.

Here is a free teacher resume example created on Canva by me.

Disclaimer: These teacher resume tips are thoroughly researched and curated. This teacher resume template is only an example to guide you into writing one for yourself. Do not use my template as it is. Add your own touch to it.

example teacher resume

STEP 4: Click, Share and Download your resume

screenshot explaining how to share teacher resume created on canva
Image: Canva

Expert Tip: Since it is the age of digitalization, professionals are building digital portfolios online. Think of it as a resume only, but detailed, well-organized, and more visually appealing. Read this quick guide to learn how to create a digital teaching portfolio.

Final thoughts on an impressive teacher resume:

Writing a solid teaching resume may seem like a daunting task. But is there anything too difficult for multi-tasker teachers? The answer is a big NO! I found this quick and easy way to create a resume on Canva that you can use to apply for your dream teaching job.

You don’t have to spend hours on research for a job resume format for teachers and cv samples. Canva and my teacher resume tips will help you in writing a good resume.

Next Steps

Hurry up, the teacher vacancy is not going to be open for long. And you should be ready with the perfect teacher resume for the next golden teaching opportunity coming your way.

So, write your resume right now and ask me any questions if you get stuck. I will be happy to help you.

Share this article with a fresh B.Ed. graduate who needs help in writing a teacher resume.

Comment below any questions or suggestions.

👉 Read more teacher tips and strategies:

🤔Make effective presentations for your students.

🚸 Learn how to engage students with ADHD.

👩🏻‍🏫Stay a motivated teacher this year.

By Manika Pant

A Content Writer, EdTechxpert and Education Enthusiast! Manika Pant is a trained teacher, having done B.Ed. and M.A. Education. She has 8+ years of school teaching experience. Creator of ‘Learning with M’, a Math educational YouTube channel, Manika is a content creator in the morning, a nature lover in the evening, and a poet by night.

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Happy TECHing!

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Manika Pant

Educator and Education enthusiast turned EdTechXpert. Helping students by helping teachers find quick & easy solutions to classroom problems, one tool at a time