Race is on my mind- 5 Coping Mechanisms for Racing Thoughts

Manika Pant
4 min readJul 15, 2021


#4. Every Negative Has A Positive

Have you ever had thoughts racing in your mind? Does one thought lead to another and you are stuck in a spun yarn of myriad thoughts?

“I have to finish this report before the deadline. Why do I always procrastinate? I am so slow. I cannot manage my time and chores. If I will not submit this report on time then I will be fired. This happened in my last job also. I don’t think I am suitable for this profession. Is there nothing that I can do well?”

If this is a regular race on your mind then you are experiencing Racing Thoughts.

Did you know that your mind deals with approximately 6200 thoughts per day? It takes less than 150 milliseconds to think a thought. This pretty much justifies the rapidly moving thoughts.

Racing Thoughts come in succession, one after the other, and bombard your mind. These thoughts can be related or completely unlinked to each other. We often experience such a train of thoughts in our lives. Most stressful situations cause a series of thoughts to generate into our minds. For instance, just before an exam, a student is anxious over the level of the test, his preparation, the future, the results, his parents’ expectations, his teachers’ attitude, and so on. It can be frustrating for the mind to concentrate on so many things at a time, and that leads to burnout. Basically, Racing Thoughts disrupt our normal lives, sleep, work, and relationships. They affect our speed, accuracy, concentration, and even in some cases, engender suicidal thoughts.

If you have been suffering from the Racing Thoughts disorder, then don’t worry, you’re not alone. An estimated 284 million people in the world suffered from varied anxiety disorders in 2017(Our World In Data). Anxiety Disorder is the most prevalent mental health issue in the world, even surpassing depression. That is why it is so common for many of us to face disturbing and anxious thoughts in our daily lives.

Racing Thoughts are pretty common and normal. We experience a lot of mental stress in our day-to-day lives. Racing Thoughts can be easily caused by this stress and anxiety. Other serious reasons can be Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder(OCD), or Depression. Don’t be alarmed by these heavy terms. Sometimes the problem isn’t that critical. We make it worse by not directly addressing the issue. For instance, negative thoughts have one or more triggers. Instead of identifying the triggers, we worry about having those negative thoughts. That disrupts our mental balance even more.

Racing Thoughts can be dealt with using these coping strategies:-

#1. Breathe Deep

Many scientific researches have proven the positive effect of deep breathing on our mind and body. As soon as your mind starts racing, take deep breaths in and out. It is a relaxation technique that diverts your attention from the thoughts to your breath. Try it any time of the day. Some people consider mere 5 minutes of deep breathing as powerful meditation. And don’t get me started about the benefits of meditation!

#2. Repeat Your Mantras

You can create your own mantras or affirmations like ‘All is well’, ‘I can do this’, or ‘This too shall pass’. If Racing Thoughts trouble you, just repeat these mantras. I will share mine- ‘Tomorrow is another day!’

#3. Mindfulness

Be present at the moment! Mindfulness Techniques will help you in focussing on the task that you are at. Dwelling on the past or future makes our mind’s horses run havoc. Mindfulness will bring you back to the starting line of your maddening mind race.

#4. Every Negative Has A Positive

‘My partner is not taking my call. I think she is in trouble.’

‘My partner is not taking my call. I think she must be in the middle of something important.’

Look for a positive alternative to your negative thoughts. Most of the Racing Thoughts are a result of overthinking or negative thinking. So, the next time a negative thought arrives, flip over to its positive alternative.

#5. Distraction Techniques

The key is to control your mind before it starts controlling you. There are numerous techniques that you can try to distract your mind from multiple thoughts. These techniques will either help you to focus on the current task or channel your attention to something constructive. These are extremely easy and doable like coloring, doodling, counting, etc.

Our mind is the most complex organ of our body. Still, we pay the least attention to it. We get worried as soon as one pimple pops up on our faces. But what do we do about the multitude of racing thoughts in our minds that can cause us further stress and anxiety? There is a reason that your mind is placed on the top. Make it your topmost priority too!

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Manika Pant

Educator and Education enthusiast turned EdTechXpert. Helping students by helping teachers find quick & easy solutions to classroom problems, one tool at a time